Flutter iOS App Release for internal testers without TestFlight
Recently I have started working on Flutter and developed an App for my organization.
So I wanted to share the IPA with internal testers without the TestFlight because the requirement was not to upload the app on AppStore & share the IPA directly with clients.
So below are the steps to follow
- Apple Developer Account
We need to have an Apple Developer Account which you can create from here.
2. Signing & Capabilities
Select your developer account & bundle identifier in the Signing & Capabilities section at Xcode. Just like given below.

2. Get the UDID
We then need to get the UDID of the targeted iPhone devices where the testers/clients will install the app.
To get the UDID of each device follow the instructions given here.
3. Add Device in theDevice List
After getting the UDID of the device add your device to the Apple Developer Account’s Device List.
4. Turn ON Developer Mode
Ask your testers/clients to turn on the developer mode of the device by enabling the developer mode setting.
Open Settings > Privacy & Security > Developer Mode
5. Build App
Build the Flutter app by entering the flutter build ios -release command in the Terminal of your IDE (I am using Android Studio in Mac).
6. Archive App
After a successful build open Xcode and select Product -> Archive

7. Distribute App
After a successful Archive Select Distribute App & Select Release Testing & then click on Distribute.

8. Export IPA
After a successful distribution process, it will ask you to Export the IPA.
Select your desired folder location & Export the IPA folder.
9. Diawi
Once the export is done open the diawi website. Upload your newly exported IPA here & click on the Send button after successful upload.
It will generate a temporary link to download the IPA & install it on your tester's/client's devices.
Open this link generated by diawi in the device’s Safari browser to install the app
That’s it you are done, now you can share your IPA for internal testing without TestFlight.